

27 Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.” 28 Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”
John 20:27-28

My 15-month-old granddaughter gently moved her finger across my cheek, touching my face. I wasn’t wearing makeup when she arrived at my home that day and when I picked her up, she gently touched the left side of my face where I have a scar.

The scar is the result of Moh’s surgery due to skin cancer. When I wear makeup it’s not as noticable but when I am exposed without makeup, it’s pretty blantant. It screams, “look something happened here”. Well at least that’s what I think, so I rarely go out without makeup. I am better about it and will occasionally go out without makeup, but often times I do not want to see someone look at me and wonder. I have thought so many times, if I could wipe away the scar I would.

That was not the case with Jesus.
He kept His scars.
He could have made them disappear; He is God.
But He didn’t and maybe He did it for you and me.

Jesus was pierced on his side and had nails in His wrists and feet when He was on the cross. Once resurrected He appeared to the disciples first showing them the scars and they were overjoyed. Thomas was not there at the time and the disciples told him about Jesus. Thomas said to them, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.”

A week later, Jesus came through lock doors and was among the disciples in the room. He said, “Peace be with you”. Knowing Thomas needed proof Jesus said to Thomas 27 “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.” Jesus was gentle with Thomas allowing him to feel and believe for himself. God is good to us that way. We aren’t able to physically touch the scars of Jesus but it is a beautiful thing that He uses others to gently touch us in our time of need. 

Thomas needed to see for himself and replied, 28 “My Lord and my God!” 29 Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

I don’t know about you, but I am keeping my scar. I learned a lot going through the skin cancer process and needed God to get me through it. It was not easy having a hole cut out of my face and in some ways, it was very traumatic. But sometimes scars are good reminders that we have been healed. And when I look at my scar, it’s more about believing God and seeing proof that I have been healed. I want my granddaughter to know that scars happen because we live in a fallen world but that her God can make beautiful moments and memories from those scars. I will always remember that day and gentle touch through my sweet granddaughter reminding me that God cares for me and loves me…scars and all.

Where are your scars? Some are physical, some are emotional, some are spiritual, some are mental, etc. We all have them and it is what you choose to do with them matters. Do you need proof that your scars have a purpose?

Ask God.
Believe in Jesus.
Confess your sins.
Stop doubting and believe.

Jesus said, “blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

May you believe and have life in Jesus name.


John 20:19-30



The theme for the second week of Advent is Peace. It is a sweet time to reflect on the sanctifying work of Jesus Christ in our hearts and to live in peace. To live in peace even when the world says otherwise.

God is working in all of us this season, whether you are a believer in Jesus or not. He is calling us unto Him to receive the kind of peace that satisfies the soul. No one and nothing can provide the kind of soul-satisfying peace of Jesus Christ. As believers, God is working out the areas where we fail to trust Him and showing He is trustworthy. As a result, when we trust we have peace.

When we fall upon our knees in repentance and confess our need for forgiveness of sin, understanding Jesus paid the price for our sin, God hears and provides salvation through Jesus Christ, His only Son.

When this happens, we can have peace that surpasses all understanding mentioned in Philippians 4:7, And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. That means when we have Christ in our lives and focus on His promises, we can have unexplainable peace.

Have you ever noticed a believer going through something horrific and yet they are calm and gentle? It is as if someone is carrying them and sustaining them even when it does not make sense. This is God-given peace!

Isaiah 9:6-7 tells us the story of Jesus’ coming.

For a child is born to us,
    a son is given to us.
The government will rest on his shoulders.
    And he will be called:
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
    Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
His government and its peace
    will never end.
He will rule with fairness and justice from the throne of his ancestor David
    for all eternity.
The passionate commitment of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies
    will make this happen!

When you look upon Jesus in the Manger, remember He is the One who came to give us everlasting peace.




Stuck between a rock and a hard place is an early 20th century saying described as faced with two equally dangerous or difficult choices or circumstances. It also means:

  • between a rock and a hard place
  • crunch
  • difficulty
  • dilemma
  • hot water
  • no-win situation
  • nuisance
  • pickle
  • predicament
  • quandary
  • sticky situation
  • tight situation

Do you ever find yourself in a situation like one of those above?

Sometimes it seems there is no good choice, and we feel stuck. Maybe it’s a situation, maybe it’s a season in life, maybe it’s a health decision. Whatever it is, you feel stuck and don’t know which way to turn.

May I suggest, turn to God.

He knows the way forward in your predicament, situation, season of life, or no-win situation.

He knows best path forward when it’s dark and you can’t see which way to go.


Consider the role of Pilate in Jesus’ crucifixion. Pilate knew Jesus was innocent and that religious leaders were falsely accusing him. The crowd wanted to kill Jesus. Pilates wife had a terrible nightmare and sent word to her husband to leave this innocent man alone. The pressure was building from the crowd and Pilate decided to hand Jesus over to be crucified. Pilate washed his hands as a symbol of his innocence. But you and I both know God held him accountable. So next time you feel stuck, your inaction speaks of your intention as well as any action you would take on the matter.

What about Peter and Judas?


Was Peter stuck when we he found himself in a life-threatening situation? Yes, he sure was and he found himself denying that he knew Jesus three times. He was scared that they would take him too and do harm to him like they were intending to do to Jesus. Peter found himself in a predicament, quandary, or tight situation. He didn’t know what to do to protect himself other than deny Christ (which is something he swore he would never do). Peter realized his sin immediately and felt sorrow that led to repentance. God forgave Peter and used him for His Kingdom.


Was Judas in a predicament? He never gave his heart to Jesus. He followed him for three years and watched him perform miracle after miracle yet did not fully believe. Judas gave up Jesus with a kiss and watched the soldiers take him away. Maybe he thought Jesus would defend himself and rise to power since he was a King or maybe he thought Jesus wouldn’t go willingly and save himself. I don’t know, but I do know that Judas felt remorse and tried to confess his sin to priests who didn’t care about him and found himself in a quandary of feeling hopeless to the point of taking his own life. Sadly, Judas did not feel sorrow that led to repentance.


If you are feeling stuck with a major decision or situation, let me encourage you to take that first step toward God. God will meet you there…He’s there waiting for you.

The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.

Numbers 6:24-26


Facing the Son

On my walk this morning sunflowers caught my eye. I noticed that some of them were facing the sun and others were not.

Before noticing the sunflowers, I had been talking to God and praying for people I know and love and others I don’t know who do not have a relationship with Jesus. I was feeling so sad thinking about it that I literally started crying.

I must be honest, it’s been a while since I felt so tender and heartbroken over lost souls. I found myself crying out to God and at that moment, a trash truck passed by. As it passed, the smell was awful and made me cringe and turn away. I felt God speak as if to say, “This is what sin smells like to me and I have to turn my head away because it sickens me to see what sin does to people and how it separates me from the ones I love.”

Sin separates and if you think you are without sin, you are wrong. Every single one of us has sinned and fallen short (Romans 3:23). The difference is having repented of your sins. God wants to forgive us, but first we must see the need to be forgiven and ask. We are all slaves to that which we obey. You may choose sin which leads to death or obedience which leads to righteousness (Romans 6:16).

The Bible also tells us the following in Romans 10:9-10, 13
If we confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in our heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. One believes with the heart, resulting in righteousness, and one confesses with the mouth, resulting in salvation. For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

You may ask where does God say confessing of sin is a requirement for salvation? It is all throughout the Bible from the very beginning starting in Genesis with Adam and Eve. People have always had a sin problem and it is the very reason Jesus came to earth and suffered death for us. Luke 5 tells us the Pharisees and their scribes were upset that Jesus was eating with sinners and complained to the disciples. Jesus said to them, “The healthy don’t need a doctor, but the sick do. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners into repentance.” He came to call sinners into repentance.

I did a little search on why some sunflowers face the sun and others do not. It turns out that mature sunflowers do not move with the sun throughout the day, they react more strongly to the morning sunlight and then throughout the day they face east. I believe mature Christians are much like sunflowers as we seek God in the morning and then wait expectantly for Jesus. And if you know anything about Christianity, you know our Lord Jesus will return from the east and so believers and sunflowers alike will wait.

While waiting, let us pray and not forget what it’s like to be a seeker sunflower and pray for all to come into a relationship with God’s Son, Jesus Christ.

There is great joy in the presence of God’s angels over one sinner who repents. Luke 15:10


Spiritual Makeup Bag

Discovering Beauty from the Inside Out

I am excited to announce my first book Spiritual Makeup Bag is now available!

I wrote this book for busy women who struggle to find time with God each day before engaging with the world.

Spiritual Makeup Bag will give you tools to help you connect with God while getting ready and putting on your makeup. You will reflect on why you wear makeup and learn about two Old Testament women who wore makeup. These two women used this ordinary task for two vastly different purposes. One was motivated to honor God and the other was motivated to promote herself.

I can tell you from experience that my day goes much better when I first spend time with God. So how about some spiritual tools to help you get started? Guess what? They are right in your makeup bag.

Don’t try to make yourselves beautiful on the outside, with stylish hair or by wearing gold jewelry or fine clothes. Instead, make yourselves beautiful on the inside, in your hearts, with the enduring quality of a gentle, peaceful spirit. This type of beauty is very precious in God’s eyes. 1 Peter 3:3-4 CEB

Paperback | 978-1-9736-9515-8
E-book | 978-1-9736-9514-1

Available now from


Tarrying Grief (Poem)

Painting for dad

It’s only been a few months since I saw you last.
Seems like it’s been longer since the day you passed.

I’m trying to remember your last words before departing from this place.
I didn’t realize it would be the last time that I would see your face.

I want to pick up the phone and call you for one of our little talks.
Then I realize you won’t answer and my heart wants to stop.

My eyes look for signs of you and sometimes feel you near.
Then I realize you’re with God and not actually here.

Sometimes I gasp for air in moments of tears and grief
Then our family receives a painting and their love brings relief.

I wonder how the reunion is going up in heaven above.
Do you see all the others who believed in Jesus’ love?

Are you busy praising God like the scriptures say?
What’s it like to be there in His presence on this very day?

My view from here is skewed but my perspective hasn’t changed.
I will tell others, if only a few, about eternity set for days.

Jesus came to save our soul; no other gospel is true.
God’s redemptive love poured out upon the likes of me and you.

Kim Thomas
June, 2018

He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. Death will no longer exist; grief, crying, and pain will exist no longer, because the previous things have passed away. Revelation 21:4

Our Lord and God, you are worthy to receive glory and honor and power, because you have created all things, and by your will they exist and were created. Revelation 4:11


Power of Influence


Have you ever considered the power of influence or ever thought about how much influence you have over people?

While researching a few women in the Bible, I noticed the amount of influence they had on the people around them, particularly their husband and community. Here’s one example I found in 1 Kings regarding Jezebel.

No one else so completely sold himself to what was evil in the Lord’s sight as Ahab did under the influence of his wife Jezebel. His worst outrage was worshipping idols just as the Amorites had done-the people whom the Lord had driven out from the land ahead of the Israelites. 1 Kings 21:25-26 NLT

Other translations read; urged on by his wife (NIV), pushed by his wife (The Message), his wife incited him (ESV/NASB/HCSB). 

Jezebel influenced her husband into idol worship. I think Ahab knew better but allowed his wife to influence him. He should have seen it coming since Jezebel was all about Baal worship, the false god that her father worshipped. However, King Ahab allowed the influence of his wife and devoted himself to do what was evil in the Lord’s sight. Later in 1 Kings 21:29, we see Ahab humble himself before God in true repentance.

Have you ever noticed that influencing begins in small forms and increases? You are either heading toward God with a godly influence or heading away from God with a worldly influence. Because the direction of the influence is a gradual process, you could be in way over your head before you realize it and heading in the wrong direction. Attitudes and addictions don’t happen overnight, it’s a process.

I recall a time in my life when I did not follow God. I followed the ways of this world and suffered the consequences of my bad decisions. Amazingly, God provided more grace than I deserved during that time since I made all my decisions based on worldly influences around me. I had accepted Christ as a teenager, but had gone my own way in my 20’s. Looking back, I can see where I suppressed the Holy Spirit and chose not to follow God.

This broke my mother’s heart. I found out after her death that she and my sister prayed for me during those years and I had no idea. Prayer is such a powerful tool so be encouraged to continue praying for those who need God in their lives.

I came back to God after 25 years and now my decisions are based on God’s leading and his Word. If you are a Christ follower, then you understand that we are here to further God’s kingdom and to be influencers for Christ.

Consider these three things with me regarding influence:

1. We have a great amount of influence. Influence over our households, children, work, church, and community. We need to be careful how we use our influence.

2. We are always influencing someone. Jezebel not only influenced her husband into idol worship she also raised a daughter, Athaliah, to be just like her.

3. Becoming a godly person is a process of allowing God to influence us. That’s why it’s so important to read your Bible and spend time with God daily so He can influence you and in turn you can influence others for God.

Spending time with God in the morning to start your day will have great influence on you for the rest of your day…and life.

In the morning Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I please my case to you and watch expectantly. Psalm 5:3


He Is Your Life


So if you’re serious about living this new resurrection life with Christ, act like it. Pursue the things over which Christ presides. Don’t shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to what is going on around Christ—that’s where the action is. See things from his perspective. Your old life is dead. Your new life, which is your real life—even though invisible to spectators—is with Christ in God. He is your life. When Christ (your real life, remember) shows up again on this earth, you’ll show up, too—the real you, the glorious you. Meanwhile, be content with obscurity, like Christ. Colossians 3:1-4 (The Message)

When I consider the passage above, I am reminded that we are to die to our old self and live in the newness of Jesus Christ. This is a choice, even though the Holy Spirit guides us, because we can choose to grieve the Holy Spirit and live in the old self. I find that sometimes I want to put on the old self. Anyone else? Our nature is to satisfy self and live in our desires. This is how the world lives and we see it everywhere every day.

I love how the Message translation reads “so if you’re serious about living this new resurrection life with Christ, act like it”. So true….actions say a lot don’t they? Pursue the things over which Christ presides is a perfect way of telling us to pursue godly things. I don’t always feel like reaching for my bible first thing but when I do, I am the one who is blessed. I am the one who benefits from spending time with God. Then I find like the next verse that I am not self-absorbed when I do spend time with God. I think about others and I seek to help others just like God would do. I am able to be a vessel for Him and be used in ways that only God can use a person.

If I am dead to my old life and my new life is real, then Christ is my life. Of course, this is not referring to physical death it’s referring to spiritual death. However, I want to share something about physical death. In my position at the church, I am the Director of Congregational Care and Adult Discipleship. In the role of congregational care, I help to care for people who are sick and hurting and some of the sick die. Being with those who are believers when they die, those are holy moments. You feel an assurance and presence of God in those times. I was at the bedside of my mother when she went to be with God. It was beautiful and something I will always cherish. She had fought a long battle with cancer and it was time to go be with God.

On May 15, 2015, my husband and I were driving home from dinner and we took another route home instead of our usual. This two-lane road did not have shoulders and it is a road with a few hills. It’s a pretty drive and it was a nice evening, still daylight around 7:30 pm. We came over a small hill to see two cars in front of us and it was evident they had just collided. There was a car in front of us and we stopped. We jumped from our cars to see it was a horrible accident, a head-on collision. Pieces of the cars and items from the cars were strewn everywhere. One of the drivers was coming in and out of consciousness and the other was unresponsive. We could not get them out of the cars because the cars were too mangled. All we could do was call 911 and try to put out a small fire under the hood of one of the cars. You can imagine our relief when the fire trucks showed up to make sure this situation didn’t get worse. That accident didn’t end well for one of the victims and a 28 year old woman was pronounced dead at the scene. This has affected me and like most traumatic experiences and I am changed.

My perspective is fresh and my purpose is clear—we do not have time to waste. There are people out there who do not have a relationship with God through Jesus. I know that I cannot and do not save people, that is God’s job alone and I am not judging this young woman’s salvation because only God knows a person’s heart. But I will tell you that following the accident, I could not find evidence of God in her life when looking at social media and family comments. A memorial service was held at a Universalism Unitarian Church and this tells me there is confusion among her family regarding Jesus. All roads do not lead to heaven only the path through Jesus Christ. I am praying for her family as they grieve and for a real saving knowledge of how to receive eternal life.

So what are some ways we can share Jesus with people we barely know? May I suggest putting on Christ every day and living out the Christian life by putting on heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, accepting one another and forgiving one another. Above all, the scriptures tell us to put on love—the perfect bond of unity (Colossians 3:12-14).

Pray for opportunities to share Jesus with others and God will give them to you. And if you chicken out at the time of opportunity, pray for another opportunity. I have found God to be faithful to give second chances and third chances and so on and so on.

Here’s a thought, next time you are at the store, notice the person who is at the register. Make time to have a one to two minute conversation about them. I have found that some are quiet and don’t want to talk but many are eager for someone to ask them something about them. They have to say things like, “did you find everything ok today?” and if you respond with a question about them such as “how’s your day going” or “how are you today”, I’m always amazed at how people want to share. We just don’t take the time in our busy all about me world to ask a simple question. So think about making yourself available at an inconvenient time to listen to someone else by acknowledging them. Nothing makes a person feel more valued that someone spending time with them and often times, it only takes a minute or two. This is just one small way to show God’s love to people and you never know the impact it could have on a person. You may just be the only person who seems to care that day.

So don’t shuffle around with your eyes to the ground
Absorbed with the things in front of you
Look up, be alert and make yourself found
Be the person God can use.

Sending Love

Who sends cards anymore?

I must admit I’m not good at sending cards anymore. However, I am reminded of the importance of cards during my recent birthday. I got several cards for the first time in years and it really blessed me.

A card says:

I’m thinking about you

I care about you

I wish you well

I’m sorry

I love you

It’s a simple card and I think many people quit buying them because they have become expensive over the years. But you can buy them for $.50 at the Dollar Store. They don’t have to be high quality cards and honestly who cares if they are or not. This is the one thing that truly has meaning left in this world that cannot be misunderstood.

Think about the last time you received a card and how it made you feel.

I started thinking about all the cards I’ve received over the years and a few came to mind. My dad got me a huge Valentine card one year when I was a little girl. I kept it and I’ve kept several over the years. I have cards my parents gave or sent me that are precious to me now since they are both deceased. Since letters are no longer a thing, a card is a simple way of sending love.

Did you know that sending love is like being generous?

And I am praying that you will put into action the generosity that comes from your faith as you understand and experience all the good things we have in Christ. Your love has given me much joy and comfort for your kindness has often refreshed the hearts of God’s people. Philemon 1:6-7

Putting into action the generosity that spurs love prepares our hearts to receive all God’s goodness. And refreshing the hearts of people by letting them know they are important is God’s simple work of love.

My sister-in-law is the absolute best at sending cards. Tonya has not missed one of my birthdays since I’ve been a part of the family. One year, her card was the only card I received in the mail. That may sound sad, but honestly it was so uplifting that she thought of me and went to the trouble of buying and mailing me a card. You never know how sending a card will bless someone and it will actually cost you more in love and time than it will in money.

So after reflecting on the importance of cards, I am going to try and send more cards this year.

Want to join me?

A Change in Plans

Do you ever have plans and then your plans change?

I planned to attend an event this morning but it did not work out. My son is a trucker and needed me to drop him off at his truck so he could get back to work. After dropping him off, I decided to run by Sam’s to pick up a few needed items.

As I was leaving Sam’s a man, who later told me his name was Sid, asked if he could take my cart. He saw me loading my car and was kind enough to help me out and take the cart for me. Of course, I thanked him and then he began talking.

At first it was small talk then quickly moved to the death of his wife last August. He told me she died of cancer and he tried to revive her but this time it didn’t work.  He had revived her two times previously.

He cried.

I listened.

Here is the rest of conversation.

Me:        I’m so sorry for your great loss.

Sid:         Thank you. Why does God make bad things happen?

Me:        I do not believe God makes bad things happen but allows them. I don’t understand why but I believe God is good no matter our circumstances. I also believe that God could use bad things to draw us closer to Him which is a good thing. God is good and nothing bad can come from Him.

Sid:         That makes sense. I don’t know why I’m telling you about my wife and why I’m breaking down. I haven’t shared this with a lot of people, but my wife was the love of my life and we were married 37 years. I sure miss her.

Me:        It’s okay. I watched my dad after my mom died and I sort of understand what you are going through. My parents were married 40 years. My mom died at age 58 and he lived another 15 years after her death. He would say that she was the love of his life. I think there are some people we will miss the rest of our lives and I believe it’s really important to know Jesus with our heart and not just with our head.

Sid:         I know Jesus. Why do some people claim to know Jesus but don’t act like it?

Me:        A great question. We all mess up and that’s why we need Jesus.

Sid:         I agree, and Jesus knew what it’s like to be human.

Me:        You are exactly right! I have been watching a show called, The Chosen. It’s completely free online and has helped me see Jesus as much more than my Savior.

Sid:         I will have to check it out! I see why God put you in my path today. Thanks for talking with me.

We said our good-byes and went on our way.

I started thinking on the way home. I am so grateful for my encounter with Sid today. Sometimes God is in your changed plans more than you realize. To be honest, I have not felt very usable to God lately and maybe you feel the same way?

I really messed up a relationship last year and caused it to sever due to my harsh words. A person can cause a lot of harm with an untamed tongue and I know it all too well. Lately, I have felt paralyzed and not able to move forward. I think James knew a little about this too because he devoted chapter 3 to controlling the tongue. No matter what my heart intended, my words didn’t properly reflect my heart.

God has been showing me lately that He uses those of us who mess up. Every person in the Bible was a hot mess from time to time. Jesus was compassionate, loving, and forgiving. He helped people see their sin, repent, and go on to make a difference for His kingdom.

I’m no longer going to let my past mistakes have a hold on me. I’ve asked for forgiveness from all the right sources and know I’m forgiven. I will no longer let the enemy have a stronghold in a place where grace has taken it’s rightful place. And I hope God will continue to open my eyes to see opportunities before me to help others and pray the same for you. After all, we are here for a reason so let’s live like it!



What does it mean to be steadfast?

Steadfast can be defined as firmly fixed in place, immovable, not subject to change, unwavering, firm in purpose and faith.

The Bible says, You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Isaiah 26:3, NIV

Isaiah 26:3, is my very favorite scripture of all time. It was the scripture I held onto when my mom was dying, when my son was struggling in school, and many other seasons of grief and uncertainty.

And this season is no different.

I have a feeling you can relate. Let me ask you something that I ask myself.

Do you trust God enough?

Do you trust Him enough for today?

Do you trust Him enough for tomorrow?

During this season of social distancing, are we trusting God?

Like many of you, I’m missing my family and friends. I am an Ambivert and because of that, I enjoy time alone and time with people. However, whether you are an Introvert, Extrovert or Ambivert, we are all created for relationships. So I’m guessing everyone is yearning to see their people right now.

I want to encourage you to remain steadfast in trusting the Lord during this season of uncertainty. He has gone before us in this matter and knows what is on the other side. He is trustworthy and we can trust Him.

I also want to remind you that God yearns to be with us. Like I mentioned, He created us for relationship and not just for each other, but also with Him. It’s a beautiful thing to think that God wants to be with us and it’s absolutely true!

Keep your mind steadfast by reading your Bible, praying, reading your devotional, watching church online and singing songs of praise to God. Spend time with your Creator daily. I’ve found when I do these things, my heart is full and I’m able to trust God for the very day He’s given me. He doesn’t want us to worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34.

Trust Him and trust in Him today and I promise you will be blessed with a peace that only comes from God.

Let us pray…God, create a clean heart for me and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Over the Line

dreamstime_xs_123097004 (1) line

Have you ever felt so passionate about something that you found yourself crossing the line? Possibly even to the point of being pushy?

Last year I became a Skincare Consultant. I was super excited to get started because I loved the products! Sure, there were other opportunities with direct sales companies, but this one…well it was the best and I wanted everyone to know it.

I had this thing in my head that working for the number one skincare company in N. America with the best products on the market, are pretty much going to sell themselves.


Have you ever joined something like this where you believed so much in the products that you won’t have to do a thing? Just put it out there and cha-ching the products will sell themselves.

Hindsight is always 20/20 and now I see how naïve I was to think such thoughts. And honestly, I had never been in sales before in my life.

Shortly after joining the company, I had an event at my house and invited a few friends. I wanted them to hear and see the products and fall in love with them like I did. The party went well although nobody bought a thing.

I was disappointed and tried not to show it.

I gave them samples as they left my home that night and followed up the next week.

One friend stopped responding to my texts, but that didn’t stop me from texting. I just kept right on letting her know how great the products were and the special offers we had going on at that time. I wanted her to purchase the products and find the same results I was finding in them. But she didn’t seem to be interested and when I realized I was the only one texting about these amazing products, I felt pushy and over the line.

I stopped texting and prayed about my crazy excitement of oversharing. I realized that my excitement and passion over these products was too much and I was being overly pushy.

I sent an apology text.

She didn’t reply.

I thought to myself, I have ruined this friendship and I was sad.

I prayed for my friend and for our relationship.

I realized that the only passion I should share so crazily is the love of my Savior. I found myself praying over my friends and relatives much I like did before I found my skincare business.

Do you know what happened?

My business started to grow.

Fast forward several months after my extreme pushiness, I had dinner with my friend. At dinner, she asked me about one of the products and decided to purchase. It was so pleasant to share the love of these products with someone who was ready and willing.

It was easy and much more fun!

Lesson learned…

I had put the Lord first as I believe he gave me this business opportunity and if that’s the case, He will bless it.

So the next time you find something you love and feel passionate about, take my advice and make sure you aren’t more excited about it than that of our Lord Jesus Christ.

He’s worth all the passion in the world, yet he doesn’t push his love on us.

He gently extends his arms to welcome us in the good times and in the bad.

He graciously offers his love in a way that always invites and never pushes over the line.

Jesus replied, “This is the work of God — that you believe in the one he has sent. John 6:29